So, imagine being able to do HSS with a Nissin flash. Well, no need for imagination. Just do it. So, the trick to this is it has to have a TTL connection between the camera and the flash. You can direct connect it to the shoe (bleh) or use a Canon cable, which is compatible with the Fuji flash contacts. This will NOT work with a remote trigger that does not understand Fujifilm TTL!
Do you have to shoot in TTL? Well, actually, you don't shoot in TTL, this works in manual mode. It just needs the TTL connection. Here's how to do it.
First, you set up the flash. You set the mode dial for manual and... Hold down the test button. That's the green lit up button next to the power button. Hold it down for 3 seconds. The light next to the mode selection dial (leftmost light) should start blinking. Guess what? Your done!
From there, as long as there's a TTL connection between the flash and camera, you can set the flash power level and using manual camera controls, shoot up to 1/4000 second and HSS works! It's a little thing and that TTL connection requirement is a bit of a pain, but hey, it's something...
For the list makers:
- Hold down the test light/button for 3 seconds and the mode dial indicator will blink when it is in HSS mode. Hold down for 3 seconds again to go back to normal mode.
- Connect flash to camera directly or use a Canon TTL compatible cable.
- Set camera manual settings and flash power
- Push the shutter button using up to 1/4000 second shutter speed!
I think this works with most Fujifilm cameras like the XT series, X-Pro2, etc. I only tested on the XT-1, but I've read that it works with a lot of the Fujifilm modern cameras. Do your research though, don't buy the 240 dollar flash to find out it doesn't work. I also only tested FULLY MANUAL EVERYTHING. No idea what will happen if you use any of the auto settings. If you're using auto, I'd say just set the flash for TTL and put up with the 1/180 sync speed.
Anyways, have fun as always! Oh, I just got a couple of Cactus V6 triggers and an RF60 that I am just starting to test with maybe a couple other flash units like the Nikon SB-910. Stay tuned, No BS review coming soon!
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